Young Generation Ministry

In AFANMI, Young Generation (YG) is a young person aged between 10/11 and 16/17 years old.
Current legislation defines this age group as children. Therefore, as a church we do our utmost to safeguard and promote the well-being of our YG.
Our Mission:
To find the Lost and Equip the Found – Matthew 28:19-20
We have been given a mandate to “GO” and fulfil our mission of winning souls to Jesus Christ.
We, however, have not been told how exactly to do this, so we have to be CREATIVE.
For Young generation, this means bringing fun to church, finding their own identity & purpose in Christ.
Our Approach:
Love Unconditionally – John 13:34-35.
Listen – James 1:19.
Judge Not – Matthew 17:1-6.
Teamwork & Inclusion – Psalm 133:1.
Fun & Educative activities – Ecclesiastes 11:9.
Encourage and Build Each Other – 1Thessalonians 5:11.
We hope to bring more fun and educative activities for our young generation, and material to help them in their daily walk with Jesus Christ.
If you are new to the church and wish to find out more about the youth activities, then please visit our Contact Us page.